Friday, January 29, 2010

What Just Happened???

Today was my RDO--that's "Regular Day Off". I work nine hour days, Monday through Thursday, then one eight hour Friday and one Friday off. I was really enjoying my RDO--until my work buddy called me up to tell me "the contract was awarded". I knew our portion of this huge contract was up for a re-compete.

But my buddy told me that our company was no awarded the contract. Ironically, the company that my current company won this contract away from was awarded the IT contract. That means in mid-February I will no longer be employed by one company, but will hopefully be picked up by the new company.

Funny how all these hard-working (well, not ALL are hard-working) folks that manage to score perfect ratings from their customer for several years in a row are just kind of tossed up in the air. Where we'll land, who knows? I've got a feeling they'll take one look at the fat old woman and tell her to "hit the road". I think my days as a tech-writer were numbered anyway. The software I work with is going away in less than a year, thanks to a less-than-smart move on the Navy's part. That's ok. I'll expect the worse, and if it's anything better I'll be pleasantly surprised. Maybe not completely happy, but it's been a long time since I was completely happy anyway.

And at this point in my life, I really wouldn't mind staying at home. I'm tired of working and coming home to a messy house that I don't want to clean. At the end of a long work day, I just want to kick back and NOT HAVE to do anything. I've got my little dog to keep my company and lots of unfinished projects at home. And I wouldn't mind doing housework if I didn't have to work too.

If the "worst" does happen, come springtime I'm having a clothesline installed. I always loved to hang out my laundry. I can take up sewing again and I can even finish that quilt I started for my son ten years ago. I can pick up and just go stay with my granddaughters any time I want. They need and want me now--ten years from now they'll be teenagers and have much more important things to do than hang out with grandma.

I'll have lots of time to walk and get exercise. I can drive up north a couple of hours and hang with my old classmates. When I get caught up with my housework, I might even do some spring-cleaning at my son's house. I could never be bored staying at home--not at this stage in my life.

So any way this falls, I'll make the best of it. The worst part is leaving co-workers that I've grown fond of. I won't miss the boring work. I won't miss the politics. But I would miss some of the folks I've worked with for the past 3-1/2 years.

Things have a way of USUALLY working out for the best. And even if something bad comes from all of this, there's still something good to be gleaned out of it. I may just have to look for a while to find it...but I will.


Ken Row said...

I've been through 3 of these before, and each time, every single one of my coworkers were hired by the new company. In 2 of them, I got a pay raise as well.

Cissy Apple said...

I've been through enough stuff to know that even though things look bleak, I didn't get the job I wanted, etc...that there's usually a reason behind it and things really do have a way of working out. And sometimes you have to put up with BS for awhile. That's just life.

Greybeard said...

When something similar happened to me eons ago and I ended up unemployed, an acquaintance made me feel better by saying, "Don't worry,

And it's true.
So Cissy, DON'T WORRY...

Cissy Apple said...

I'm not worried, but it would completely torque me if they kept someone and let me go. Who knows...this may be a good thing for me and may clean out some of the flotsam.