Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Grossest Thing I Ever Ate

I was about eight months pregnant with my first child. Pregnancy made me hungry all the time, and constantly craving chocolate eclairs. You can't possibly find eclairs in this neck of the woods, so the only time I got eclairs was when I was up at Mom and Dad's.

But this morning, toast sounded good. I popped two slices of bread in the toaster and pushed down the handle. In a few seconds, the toaster began to pop and crackle. "Great", I thought. "The toaster is going on the fritz."

The toast finished and I buttered and jellied both slices. Then I went outside and sat on the front porch to eat my breakfast. Boy, did that toast hit the spot. As I finished, I got up to make two more slices. Again, I threw a couple of slices of bread into the slots and pushed down the handle.

But this time, the toaster began sizzling, smoking, and smelling. And it wasn't a good smell--kind of like burning hair. I popped up the toast and removed it to have a look inside. What I saw made me violently ill. Stuck inside the wires of the toaster was a little mouse. His nose was right where one slice of bread would've touched it!

I brushed my teeth for a good half-hour, constantly gagging whenever I thought of that mouse's nose touching my toast! Then I sat outside and gagged some more. As soon as I started feeling better, I went inside, unplugged the toaster, and pitched it outside. I never, ever wanted another piece of "mouse nose toast" again.


Leslie said...

And he probably thought he'd found the PERFECT hiding place. : )

The Blues said...

So that's what's wrong with him...

Anonymous said...


The 'mouse nose' reminds me of the story I read about Jeffrey Dahmer, the serial killer and cannibal of his victims. He cut off some of his victim's noses, sliced them up and put them on pizza like they were pepperoni.

He called these little creations
'Dahmer nose pizzas'.