Monday, December 14, 2009

All I Want for Christmas...

A few years back whenever someone would ask me what I wanted for Christmas, I'd always say, "You can't buy what I want for Christmas"...funny thing was, nobody ever asked me what that one thing was. Maybe they knew. All I wanted for Christmas was to have my Dad back.

I guess I've gotten used to him being gone, but I won't quit missing him--ever. I suppose I'll be back with him soon enough. Time goes mighty fast these days.

This year I have two Christmas dreams coming true. I've wanted to be a grandma for a long time. I finally saw that wasn't going to happen anytime soon, and after 9/11, I was fine with it. I didn't want any more kids brought into a world that has people on it that can do something so despicable. Too scary. Too awful.

But God had a big plan for our family. There were two reasons I never became a grandma. God saw that two little girls--sisters--were living a life far less than perfect. He needed to rescue these two; and a year ago, He found a home that had plenty of room for romping and giggles. That home belongs to my daughter and son-in-law.

Wednesday the State of Indiana will declare my daughter and son-in-law the parents of these two sweethearts. Our hearts declared that a year ago--we just had to wait for the paperwork to catch up.

Welcome to our family, Stasey Renee and Kaylee Rose! You've completed our lives!

Your Grandma


Rita said...

Amazing that He always see the bigger picture, isn't it?

Congrats Grandma. Grandma...isn't that the best name ever? I never get tired of hearing it, but then again I've never tired of being called Aunt Rita either. Well, except for that time when your kids were little and helping me move. "Hey Rita, Hey Rita".

Cissy Apple said...

Well, maybe we need to have your two grandkids help you move. Then it'd be "Hey Grandma...hey grandma...where do you want this?" Would you tire of it then? I think not.