Saturday, December 27, 2008

Where Do I Start?

It took me forever to decide just a few things for this blog. I decided to use a few things from my ancestors. My "pen name" is derived from my maternal grandfather's last name and my paternal grandmother's last name; hence "Cissy Apple". My great-grandfather Eli Apple is of Cherokee descent, so I wanted to pull that into the blog title. Although I am a "Heinz" 57-varieties, I'm most proud of my Cherokee ancestry. I am also Irish, English, and German...and God knows what else. But most of all, I am the sum of those who came before me--a weird concoction of DNA and spit. I can see my father, mother, grandparents, aunts, and uncles in me. Most of it I like, but some of it I don't.

I hope to use this blog as a diary and a place to write down those funny stories I've lived through. Someday, I'll incorporate all those words into some sort of a book for my family. I've had this planned for many years, but just never got started. I hope to make this my start. But for right now, I'm tired and need to watch a little TV before heading to bed.

I've got lots of stories...stay tuned.

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