Saturday, August 8, 2009

Where's the Ice Cream?

Something I just read on another blog reminded me of some of the funny things my kids said when they were little. Thought I'd better commit some to paper before my mind completely goes and I forget them.

When Brian was maybe around five, I was outside in the neighbor's yard visiting. Brian poked his head out the sliding glass door and yelled, "MOM...WHERE'S THE ICE CREAM?" My reply? "It's in the oven."

About a minute later, he came back to the door and yelled, "NO IT ISN'T!"

Then that reminded me of the time when C&C...aka Mark...came to our back door on Rural Street in Indy. He was about the same age. We were out playing in the snow with Mom. Well, Mark stepped almost completely out the door...and he was stark naked! He yelled, "Mom, where's my clothes????"

Carrie had a unique way of measuring the amount of food she consumed. She always asked for a "patch" of ice cream. And she loved my aunt's cole slaw. One day she said she was so full because she ate "two loads of slaw". She was a good eater, which was great after having such a picky eater (Brian). But as soon as she was full, she'd hold her plate up to be removed, and would announce, "I don't like this anymore."...what a kid.

There's tons more, but I suddenly got sleepy. Guess the 1/4 dose of Ambien kicked in...and it IS after midnight. Got to hit the sack.

1 comment:

Rita said...

And you forgot about the time that Mark came up to mom with his hand cupped over his ear and said, "MOM, THERE'S A FLY IN MY EAR." and Mom said, "Well, let it OUT."